Terms and Conditions

Before booking:

You will be required to answer a set of triage questions and to forward a set of front and side profile photos showing the area of concern. We cannot book you without this information. Please also bear this in mind if you are booking on behalf of someone else. This can be actioned either via booking a Virtual or Face to Face consultation. If, based on this information, we advise that we cannot treat you or that the treatment would not benefit you, please do not be offended by this; it is for your own safety and wellbeing. Where possible we will try to suggest other options for you to explore if we cannot treat you. All new patients are seen either virtually or face to face for consultation and assessment; treatment is not recommended on the first visit to allow an adequate cooling off period but may be provided if the patient and practitioner deemed suitable. A charge of £25 is made for face to face consultations payable in advance, this is non-refundable as per the late/cancel/fail to attend policy, however the consultation fee is redeemable against the cost of treatment.​

Eligibility criteria:

We cannot provide any treatment to you if you are:
• Under 18
• Pregnant or breastfeeding
• Taking anticoagulant medication (Discuss this with us)
• Suffering with a neuromuscular or wasting disease
• Intoxicated
• Allergic to any of the active ingredients of your chosen treatment
• Have an active Cold Sore or skin infection
• Currently unwell and / or on antibiotics

If it is deemed unsafe or unethical to treat you at your appointment or if we do not think that you need the treatment, then we reserve the right to turn you away in these instances and your booking fee may not be refunded.

If you have any questions that you wish to be answered prior to your appointment please contact us via email, Facebook or Instagram.

Booking Fee:

All appointments (excluding consultations and required top ups within the review period) are subject to a non-refundable and non-transferrable booking fee of 50% of the total treatment cost within 24 hours of requesting the appointment. If the booking fee isn't received in this time frame, the appointment slot you have requested may be offered to someone else, as we are unable to secure any appointment slots without a booking fee.

On the day of your aesthetic treatment appointment, you will pay the remaining balance due for the total cost of your treatment. When rebooking your next appointment, a non-refundable and non-transferrable booking fee of 50% is required to secure your next appointment. We can take payments using card or bank transfer. Please contact us for the details.

Booking Charges: 

*All advance booking fees and advance course booking fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
*If you do NOT attend a booked appointment, and fail to advise us in advance, the total treatment cost will be charged.
*If less than 3-working days notice is given the total treatment cost will be charged.  


You have until 72 hours before your appointment to cancel/reschedule and your booking fee will still be valid for re-booking. If you wish to cancel/reschedule within 72 hours of your appointment, the total treatment cost will be payable immediately. We send confirmation and reminders for all appointments, please ensure Wishfill Aesthetics and Aesthetic Software are recognised by your email system to ensure our reminders reach you. To change appointments please email: info@wishfillaesthetics.co.uk

Failure to attend:

If you fail to attend an appointment the total treatment cost will be payable immediately.​


Please arrive on time for the treatment you have booked, as lateness will reduce the treatment time available and in some cases we may not have the time to complete the treatment. Unfortunately, we cannot refund if this happens and the total treatment cost will be payable immediately. It is fundamental that you are treated safely and this is why a set time is allocated.

Review Appointments:

Routine review appointments are offered after treatment with Botulinum Toxin as a courtesy. If you are unable to attend the review appointment at 2-3 weeks, no additional treatment or ‘top up’ is provided once the review period of 2-3 weeks has passed. If you do not adhere to our late/cancel/failure to attend policy for your review appointment, the appointment will be removed and you will not be able to be rebooked. No refund will be given in these circumstances.


Before attending your appointment there are a few things we need to advise you about. Please read the following very carefully:

• Please do not take any antibiotics or ibuprofen for 7 days prior to your appointment- if you are currently on antibiotics for a prolonged period, please consult your GP for their advice before your appointment.
• Please do not consume any alcohol, caffeine or do any exercise 24 hours prior to your appointment.
• Please note you will also be advised to not consume alcohol 24 hours after your appointment.
• We would advise you to not travel on an aeroplane within 14 days of your treatment to allow for healing and in case we need to review you. If you are planning on travelling after your appointment we would advise you to reschedule your appointment for a more suitable time.
• You will be asked to present valid photo ID at your treatment appointment or via the booking system (such as passport, photographic driving license etc). The ID must include your Date of Birth. If you fail to present valid identification at your appointment, you may be refused treatment and your booking fee will not be refunded.
• You must be over the age of 18 to have dermal fillers or Botulinum Toxin treatments conducted. If it is found that you have provided false information regarding your name or DOB and that you are not 18 or over, your appointment will be cancelled, no treatment will be conducted and your deposit will not be refunded.
• Please make sure you have something light to eat before your appointment.
• If you are prone to bruising you may consider investing in some arnica cream before your appointment. This can be purchased from most pharmacies and supermarkets.
• If you are prone to cold sores, please be advised that any treatments around the lip area can cause a break out. If you have an active cold sore at the time of your appointment please let us know as your appointment will need to be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date.
• Please do NOT attend the clinic for an appointment if you are unwell. If you are unsure, please call and discuss. Many treatments are contraindicated if you are unwell; this includes colds, cold sores or local skin infections.
• We DO NOT allow children to accompany you to ANY appointments.

Failure to follow these instructions may result in you being refused treatment and your deposit will not be refunded.

At your appointment:

All booking fees and treatments performed by Wishfill Aesthetics are non-refundable.
An in-depth consultation will be conducted with you which includes you providing your medical history and completing a consent form. It is in your best interest to provide us with all information in relation to your medical history regardless of how irrelevant it may seem to you.​
You are required to sign a consent form prior to any treatment taking place. You will be given the opportunity to ask any questions you have prior to this and throughout the appointment.
Photos and videos will be taken of you before and after any procedures conducted- this is a legal requirement for record keeping purposes. It is at your discretion whether you allow us to share them on social media or not.
All information will be treated as confidential and protected in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
Patient information will not be shared with third parties without written permissions and you will not receive unsolicited information from us. ​ 


We do our very best to ensure that all clients are 100% satisfied with our service. On very rare occasions, things may not go to plan, so if you are in any way unhappy with your treatment, please contact us and we will endeavour to remedy the situation. Please email info@wishfillaesthetics.co.uk

We can resolve most matters straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will give you at least an initial response within five working days.

If you are not satisfied with my response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to Wishfill Aesthetics, 137 Poynder Drive, Snodland, Kent, ME6 5SP. All written complaints will be logged. You will receive a written acknowledgement within five working days. Wishfill Aesthetics follows the National time limits for formal written complaints which means you will receive a full response within 30 days: or, where an investigation is ongoing, a full response will be sent within 5 days of its conclusion.   

01634 479009

137 Poynder Drive, Snodland
Kent ME6 5SP

08:00 - 20:00

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